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Tag: Strategic Planning

What Can An Organization Get From Strategic Alignment ?

Strategic planning is not a one-track approach. It involves several tasks and procedures, all the while evaluating components that affect the organization. Not to mention the objectives should be kept on track for the strategy to take its full effect. And that is the role of strategic alignment.     Strategic Alignment: What Is It? The dictionary defines alignment as “the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts in relation to each other”. In other words, strategic alignment also links an organization’s practices, objectives, resources, and system for an improved performance and advantages in the business industry. Strategic alignment...

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Strategic Thinking For A Successful Business Growth

A strategic plan is basically nothing if it doesn’t rely on strategic thinking. With the right person for such tasks, strategic planning will be easier to plan and implement.     First, why the need for strategic plans? Usually, the reasons are: to generate sales, to help organization improve, create an edge against competitors. The list goes on. But it’s all about the organization’s stance and status in the business industry. An organization needs to have it a definite place in the market because, one: competitive advantage and two: a reputation. On the other hand, an organization also needs...

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The 5 Reasons You Need Planning a Strategy

Planning a strategy is time-consuming; apart from exerting so much time and effort in it, you need to gather experienced people for the job. And the people should be devoted and not chicken out once the strategy plan is implemented.     Another factor to take note is when planning a strategy; you cannot go wrong with specific and clear details. From the plan down to its tasks, the strategic plan should be free from vague information and confusing processes. Lack of detailed and complete planning spells disasters than zero planning at all. But the burning question is: why...

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The Best Qualities of Strategic Leaders

Strategic leaders are in charge of ensuring that everything is in place to make the right decision at the right time, and to verify that the following methods embedded in the system are effective, quick, practical, and realistic. For a strategic leader, you don’t only have to think strategically, but you also have to possess certain traits and qualities that are considered a crucial key factor in making decisions.     The Best Qualities of Strategic Leaders   Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making  Strategic leaders make decisions that are thoroughly examined and all its factors are reconsidered before deploying them. They involve different types...

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Why You Need To Use the Organic Strategy Model?

The art and science of management have become one of the key elements of an effective and strong strategic plan. Let us focus on the science part of business and get to know one of its components: organic strategy.     Organic Strategy…Isn’t That…Something to Do With Natural Methods? Precisely. Organic strategy enables the organization to use their own resources and mostly rely on their values that they have kept since the organization is established. From the word itself, it has something to do with a natural approach: preventing resources wastage, cheap funds, and the ability to survive, even...

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The 5 Important Factors of an Effective Strategy

An effective strategy has been around for centuries. From battlefields to century-old trading, strategies have been a vital part of the people since in time memorial. But what exactly qualifies an effective strategy? We can always take a cue from the warriors of the past or successful CEOs of famous businesses. We don’t have that much luxury to do such things, so here are some important elements to take into account if you are looking for the criteria of an effective strategy.     An effective strategy is comprehensive and must be distributed by the organization Embed the strategy...

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